今天是2010年清明假期,我们的英语作业是自己收集英语谜语和绕口令,我通过网上搜索收集了10条英语谜语(English Riddles)和12条英语绕口令(tongue twister),并且费了好长时间抄写在A4纸上,清明节后一上课就可以交给老师了。
下面是我的作业内容:English tongue twister and Riddles(英语谜语和绕口令)
一、英语绕口令 tongue twister:
1. Can you can a can as a canner can can a can?
2. World Wide Web (www)
3. I scream, you scream, we all scream for icecream.
4. Black background, brown background.
5. A black back bat on the blackboard.
6. She said she should sit.
7. I wish you were a fish in my dish.
8. She sees cheese.
9. At a quarter or two to two.
10. She watches a Swatch watch.
二、英语谜语:English Riddles
1. What kind of dog doesn't bite or bark?
—— Hot dog.
2. What is the smallest room in the world?
3. Why do lions eat raw meat?
——Because they never learn to cook.
4. What is the largest ant in the world?
——An elephant.
5. Why did the chicken cross the road?
——To get to the other side.
6. What can you swallow than can also swallow you?
7. Which three letters can frighten a thief away?
8.What appears once in every minute,twice in every month?
——The letter M.
9. Why your pocket always empty?
——Because no change.
10. Why is a river rich?
——Because it has tw.
11. Why does Tom's mother go to work by plane every day?
——Because she works in a plane.
12. What has a soft bed but never sleeps,a big mouth but never speaks?
—— A river.
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